Strategic AWS Partner

We specialise in designing, building, migrating, and managing workloads in AWS, ensuring a secure and cost-efficient path to the cloud.


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AWS Partner Public Sector
AWS Qualified Software

Partnering with AWS, we engineer streamlined, business-focused solutions.

Our process aligns closely with AWS, reducing discovery time to implement your solutions.


Dive Deep into Business Dynamics

We start by diving deep into your business world. We study it carefully to understand your challenges, opportunities, and goals. Whether you're new to AWS or want to improve what you already have, we adapt our approach to fit your needs.


Co-create Tailored Solutions

We believe in working closely with you and your team. We bring experts from different areas to brainstorm ideas. Through discussions and workshops, we come up with smart solutions that solve your problems and match your plans.


Engineer Customised Solutions

Once we have a good plan, we start building your solutions. We use the latest technology and best methods to create strong, scalable systems that fit what you need. We keep you updated along the way to make sure everything stays on track.


Drive Seamless Deployment

This is where things really happen. Our team takes care of everything to get your solutions up and running. We work closely with your team, providing training and support to make sure everyone knows how to use the new systems.


Continuously Enhance Performance

We don't stop once everything is in place. We keep an eye on your AWS solutions and make improvements whenever needed. We use data and feedback to make sure your systems keep working well and keep helping your business grow.

1. Insight

2. Ideate

3. Innovate

4. Implement

5. Optimise

Our AWS Expertise

We harness a diverse range of AWS tools and technologies to empower our clients to overcome challenges and achieve their business objectives.

Discover the Endless Possibilities

Embark on a journey of innovation and efficiency, where transformative solutions reshape the way you do business.

Boost Your Business

Reach more customers quickly by using the cloud's flexibility. Provide fantastic products and services that impress at every step, helping your business grow fast.

Spark New Ideas

Inspire creativity and experimentation within your team by embracing the latest cloud technologies. Foster an environment of innovation, leading to fresh ideas that propel your business forward.

Optimise Cloud Spending

Maximise the value of your cloud investment with cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs. With Smile and AWS, you only pay for what you use, eliminating upfront costs and optimizing your cloud expenditure.

Help Your Team

Empower your team to focus on core tasks while we manage and monitor your cloud setup diligently. With our expert support, your team can excel in their roles without worrying about infrastructure management.

Ensure Security and Compliance

Safeguard your critical assets with robust security measures and adherence to regulatory standards. Our comprehensive security protocols ensure data protection and compliance, backed by contingency plans for emergencies.

Together, we can help your business thrive on the cloud

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